Our Mission Statement
Heritage Baptist Church endeavors to please the Lord by making every creature know the gospel of Jesus Christ; making old creatures new through belief of the gospel; making new creatures near to Christ through the Spirit of God & through the preaching and teaching of the word of God with compassion.
"And of some have compassion, making a difference:" Jude 1:22
Our Beliefs About...
Pastor Haveman
Since that day the Lord has allowed me to prepare for and participate in the ministry of His dear Son. I answered the call to preach May 1, 1993 and after several turns, hurdles, bumps and some smooth roads God led me to the Heritage Baptist Church in Post Falls, Idaho in December 2000. It is here that I have been serving the Lord with my wife, Karen, and six daughters. The Lord has seen fit to bless us with a wonderful congregation from diverse backgrounds who now strive together for the faith of the gospel.
It would be a blessing to have you as a guest at any one of the many

Pastor Hoover Assistant Pastor
I grew up in a family that went to church, especially during the holidays.
I believed in Jesus, that he really did come and die on the cross and that He rose again, but had no idea that He did that for me, for I never heard, or at least don't remember being told, that I was a sinner in need of saving and that's why Jesus came. The Bible was read at least two times a year as my grandmother would read to the whole family every Thanksgiving and Christmas.
In my early teens my parents got a divorce which really made me bitter. I felt that somehow God had let me down and let my parents get a divorce. Fast forward to my high school years, where I was pretty much left to my own, not good.
Graduated and started working for my dad who owned a grocery store. My dad took to drinking and ended up losing the store which left me out on my own again. My older brother was into the drug scene and started to pull me into it. That was until one morning my older brother asked if I ever read this book called "Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey. I said that I hadn't and he gave me the book and I read it cover to cover in one sitting. Needless to say that book pointed out a startling fact, the fact that Jesus Christ was coming back to this earth. I had never considered Jesus coming back, let alone the battle that would take place when He did. That made me think! If Jesus is coming back, who's side would I be on? His or the devils.
At that point I started reading the Bible, everywhere, anywhere, I needed to know what it would take to know that I was on the right side of this Jesus issue. During this time my older brother decided that we should take a trip to Aspen, Colorado. So late one evening we left central California and took off for Aspen. I was the designated driver so I drove straight through the night to a place called Needles, California. We pulled into the motel early in the morning and rented a room to rest up. While there, my brother and another friend went out to the pool, as it was already in the mid 80's, while I went into the room to read my Bible. While reading the Lord convicted my heart and I knelt there by my bed and asked the Lord to take control of my life and he did.
Needless to say I was a changed man. My eyes were opened and evil seemed to be ever present. All I could think of was getting back to my mom’s home to help her raise my younger brothers and sister and go to church with her. I now knew that I was on the winning side. Jesus was my Savior! So at the age of 21 Jesus Christ saved this sinner, and has never left me, nor has He ever forsaken me. Years later I found the love of my life Lisa Brown. We fell in love and have faithfully served the Lord our whole married life.
We have three wonderful boys, and at this time, 5 grand children. The Lord placed me in the ministry. We spent 1 year on the mission field in Canada, and then I served as pastor of the Heron Baptist church for 13 years. Recently, the Lord has moved us back to our sending church of Heritage Baptist Church Post Falls Idaho, where I am currently serving as the assistant pastor to Pastor Tim Haveman.

Pastor Millar Youth Pastor
In 1989, I was born into an Air Force Christian family in Fairbanks, AK. At the age of 6, after a clear message preached on hell, I went down to the altar alone and received Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Upon my dad’s retirement in 1996, at the age of 7, we moved to Pensacola, FL. In my early years of salvation, I wanted to be like my father, a faithful Christian man. Into the teen years, my heart began drifting away from God until I was actually despising my upbringing. This was due to the ignorant belief that I was being too sheltered and missing out on many experiences in life. When I was 16, I had an encounter with the law that nearly changed the course of my life, but for the grace of God, “there go I.” Over the next couple of years, the Lord truly got a hold of my heart. Though I was saved at a young age, I had not ever developed a good relationship with the Lord. Now, for the first time in my life, I was beginning to get to know God in a more personal way. Over the summer of 2007, I dropped out of the college courses I was taking and started Pensacola Bible Institute that September. In Bible school, the Lord dealt with me about missions, and I also met my beautiful wife, Alexandra. By 2012, my wife and I started raising support to go to Ethiopia, and in October 2015, we moved to Addis Ababa. Over the next five years we ministered in Ethiopia and Israel, but in 2021 we returned to the states because of the Lord closing the door. This time was a low time, due to the fact that I was sure we would spend the rest of our lives on the mission field. There had been so much work toward that end, and then it was abruptly over. The Lord was so gracious throughout this time and taught us so much. He let us know he still had plans for us. In the summer of 2023, Pastor Tim Haveman contacted me about the possibility of moving to Post Falls and coming on staff at Heritage. The Lord made it very clear this was his will. We count it a great privilege to be at Heritage Baptist under Pastor Tim Haveman. We look forward to what the Lord will do with us here in north Idaho.