Heritage Baptist Church is excited to provide a unique opportunity for your children to learn the scriptures through the weekly Master Clubs program.
When? Begins September 6, 2024 and will meet every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:00 through May 2025. (If Master Club should need to be postponed because of weather, special meetings, holidays etc. parents will be notified via phone call or email or a note sent home with the child.)
Who? There is a class for each child from age 5 through the 6th Grade. You do not need to be a member in order for your child to attend Master Clubs. It is recommended however that you attend any major event that may be associated with the Club and that you encourage your child(ren) regularly in their learning efforts. You will be notified of such "major events" in advance.
Where? Heritage Baptist Church, 3578 N Charleville Rd, Post Falls. Bring your children through the main entrance and down the stairs to check them in by 6:30 pm and pick them up promptly at 8 pm in the same place. Your child's safety is of utmost importance to us and for this reason, we have added KidCheck to help us in this endeavor. You can pre-register your child(ren) by clicking this link (it only takes a couple of minutes) or we will help you in the process as you arrive.
Is there a cost? Yes. The yearly cost of $25 helps to cover the expense of the uniforms and vests for each Master Club member. Also, we will take a weekly offering to help with the cost of awards and various other expenses.
What is Master Clubs? Master Clubs is a Bible-centered children’s program that provides a way to meet weekly to advance the cause of Jesus Christ. There are hundreds of churches that use this program to reach children around the world. The goal of Master Clubs is to help children understand God’s love for them and teach them how they can show God’s love in their lives.
Knowing God and understanding that God knows us, gives us a purpose for living and brings meaning to life. Christianity teaches character, family values, virtuous living, and the value of being a servant to others. We can learn how to deal with relationships by looking in the Bible at the relationships (both good and bad) people had with each other and with God. Each night a Bible lesson is taught to help expose children to the wonderful teachings of God.
Master Clubs consist of three parts.
Game time is packed with exciting activities. Some games are just for fun, while others help reinforce Bible truths.
Book time is a learning and training time focused on the importance of God’s Word for daily living.
Teaching time includes group bible study, memorization, and the application of truths into daily choices.
Master Clubs Awards
Each club member has the opportunity to achieve exciting awards. Badges or ribbons can be earned. These can be worn on vests or put in a binder to put them on display. Each clubber is responsible to purchase his/her vest or binder. However, they are not required to have either.
Registration Form: For your convenience, the registration form may be downloaded, printed, filled out, and brought with your child to his/her first Master Club experience or you may fill one out when you arrive.
If you have any other questions concerning Master Clubs please do not hesitate to contact the church office at 208.773.3864 or email us admin@postfallschurch.com
We look forward to seeing you soon!